APK Editor PRO V1.4.2

Download APK Editor PRO. Selamat siang sobat pada kesempatan kali ini admin share Aplikasi yang dapat mengedit atau modifikasi (MOD) Aplikasi android misalnya seperti kloning (Clone) dan membongkar sumber kode aplikasi andorid dan aplikasi ini juga merupakan Aplikasi Editor Pro. Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi tools premium untuk andorid sobat yang dapat sobat gunakan untuk megedit. 


APK Editor is a powerful tool that can edit/hack apk files to do lots of things for fun.
It can help us to do things like string localization, background image replacement, layout re-architecting, and even ad eliminating, permission removing, etc. What it can do depends on how you use it. However, to use it well, we need a little bit professional skills. Don't be afraid, some examples are given in the help page.
This is the pro version, compared to free version, here is some differences:
(1) No function limitation
(2) No ad

Yang Baru

added color mixer in editor
added dark theme for data editing
made icon editable in common edit
other fixes
added apps search
added smali editing
support apk search
bugs fix
added resource search
provided another key for apk signing (change it in settings)
bugs fix
an emergency UI error fix
V1.3.26added a package rename option
a bug fix for string editing
support external storage
package rename enhance (also modify resources.arsc)

Informasi Tambahan:

Diperbarui : 11 Maret 2016
Versi terbaru : V1.4.2
Ukuran : 5,9


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